Monday, June 18, 2012

work ethic.

sometimes I feel that certain people seriously need a reality check when it comes to work ethic. I do not understand how someone can do the same job for over a year and not be terminated due to certain behavior. Consistently on the phone, talking non stop to other employees, and worst of all having intimate relations with said people. I personally am affected when these acts by my coworker prevent them from answering the phone, or basically doing anything that their job requires them to do. Then, conveniently when the manager is around, the coworker is on the best of behaviors.

Monday, June 11, 2012


sometimes it's really hard to dig down and find enough motivation. even if it's something that you want to do. I personally love the concept and act of blogging but sometimes it is difficult to sit down and get exactly what I want to say on the keyboard. I wish I could hire someone to just type all my thoughts. for me.