Thursday, July 26, 2012


is work worth the effort of working as hard as you can for what you can? does anyone really see or recognize the effort of the over worked? the point could seriously be made of the fact that the worked supply the unworked and therefore what is the point?

Monday, June 18, 2012

work ethic.

sometimes I feel that certain people seriously need a reality check when it comes to work ethic. I do not understand how someone can do the same job for over a year and not be terminated due to certain behavior. Consistently on the phone, talking non stop to other employees, and worst of all having intimate relations with said people. I personally am affected when these acts by my coworker prevent them from answering the phone, or basically doing anything that their job requires them to do. Then, conveniently when the manager is around, the coworker is on the best of behaviors.

Monday, June 11, 2012


sometimes it's really hard to dig down and find enough motivation. even if it's something that you want to do. I personally love the concept and act of blogging but sometimes it is difficult to sit down and get exactly what I want to say on the keyboard. I wish I could hire someone to just type all my thoughts. for me.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I may be the only one who thinks this far into things but I believe I'm right. when someone seems to want to be with someone else it almost always tends to be the girl that you either can't have or will never get. right. what I wonder is what percentage of your attraction actually goes towards the fact that you can't have this particular girl. maybe you would see this girl you want differently if you could have her. the game changes depending on this entirely. there are so many circumstances that make this possible. if you have ruined the friendship you had with this girl. if you have too good of a relationship and if you became too close of friends. if you never met this girl or if she lives too far away. I believe that being forward or upfront and honest with her is the best method. in reality, anything can happen. why not go for it? if you think about it, it can't get any worse.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

be yourself.

i realize its an overused saying, but it applies. lately all I can think about is leaving this university. sure it's great and sure I only have a semester left but honestly I'm done with it. I'm done with the persisting annoyance of people who suck up to other friends just to look better, it's quite pathetic. I feel that if you can't be yourself, and you can't think talk and act like yourself you should just give up. if you throw away your individuality, what do you have left? basically nothing. lying is the other issue with this. because you are lying and cheating yourself, you are lying to everyone that you encounter. what is the point!?
people especially at the adult age of 22 should seriously learn to be mature and fess up to be accountable for what they say and do. they should act like themselves and not pose off of a friend because for whatever reason that particular person seems cooler than you. all you're doing is lowering yourself. there is nothing more annoying and ridiculous in this world than a posing friend who can't be themselves and tell the truth.

Monday, April 9, 2012


time to shower. get up. get moving. and get to school.
make things happen.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


i wish that they would create a blogger application for the iPad because that would make life much easier for people who would like to write on this #daily.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Sometimes it's difficult to fully understand how nice it is outside. Just a few weeks ago there could have been a change of a snow shower. Compare that to now it feels like you may wan to get in the car and go to the beach. Our planet provides an amazing place that is as humans and millions of other species of plants ad animals thrive routinely throughout history. I think it is certainly something worth mentioning and taking note of because when you do actually stop and think about it the climate is truest amazing in all aspects.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


What does the iPad or iPhone do for you. I'm sure you can give my 1000 and 1 reasons or purposes for them. I could too. Today I bought myself the new iPad. Very happy with the purchase. Extremely high quality screen resolution and product overall. I was thinking to myself the big question now with the 'post pc' it possible to live in today's society without these ever popular devices? Comment below..